Which Technique of Hair Transplant has More acceptance: Why Medispa
The extraction method of grafts is performed, either by the FUT technique or through the FUE. When the FUT method is performed, it gives the best results due to the involvement of the safe donor part of the scalp. The FUE may give you the compromising results as the extraction of the grafts are not sure that they would be taken from the safe donor part of the scalp or the unsafe zone. The hair transplant in Bangalore offers you more lucrative options in terms of providing advanced technique and cutting-edge technology, but all at higher cost option. The procedure involves the extraction method in order to extract the particular number of grafts to fulfil the desired restoration goal of the surgery. Since the hair transplant cost in Bangalore is double as compared to the cost applicable in the capital, Delhi & Jaipur.
The FUT Technique and their Relevancy:
The FUT or the follicular unit hair transplant has its relevancy due to the fact of the extraction from the safe donor part of the scalp. If the procedure is performed by the strip method of the surgery, it firstly ensures about the permanency of the outcomes because of the DHT-resistant hair roots. The safe donor parts, i.e., the back & sides of the scalp are used for the strip harvesting that further sent to the dissection process under the higher magnification of microscopes and thus it allows a surgeon to obtain the best possible number of grafts for the process of graft implantation. The hair transplant technique has a significant role in deciding the results of the procedure and the FUT technique made this possible to obtain a maximum number of grafts in a single session.
The Relevancy of the FUT Technique:
- It is applied in the Greater Grade of Baldness: The hair transplant procedure performed by the FUT technique has most relevancies in the greater grade of baldness when a patient is affected by an extremely high grade of baldness. When there is the grade of NW-V, VI, or VII. The greater grade of baldness requires an extremely higher number of grafts to fulfil the requirement of the available grade of baldness.
- The High-density Hair Transplant: The need for a high-density hair transplant can be fulfilled only with the greater number of grafts that can be fulfilled with the FUT hair transplant as the excision of the strip makes the possibility of the extraction of a number of grafts in a single session. Therefore, the FUT hair transplant is a recommended option for the high-density hair transplant.
- The Quality Grafts can be achieved: The quality grafts can be achieved by the FUT technique of the procedure as the strip allows a surgeon to receive the desired type of grafts via the dissection process. The technicians of hair restoration dissect every single graft under the higher magnification of microscopes and thus it gets possible to obtain desired type of grafts. The slim and chubby grafts are separated precisely and implanted the same as per the need for respective areas of the baldness.
- The Sustainability and survival rate is high: There is a higher survival rate of the grafts as they all go through the dissection job and makes it feasible to survive the grafts at a higher rate. On the other hand, the sustainability matter of the grafts is all well-confirmed as it only extracted from the safe donor part of the scalp.
The FUE Hair Transplant & their Relevancy:
The FUE or the follicular unit extraction is the process of hair root extraction in such a way that every graft is extracted at every single time via the motorized punching machine or the manual punching. The extraction in the FUE is free from the exact angle and direction as the speculation and forecasting sense is applied to perform the technique. Therefore, the FUE technique is employed when a patient needs a lesser number of grafts to fulfil the restoration job on the surgery.
The Relevancy of the FUE Technique:
- The FUE technique is performed when a patient is affected by a lesser grade of baldness
- The FUE is performed in the case of the body hair transplant such as an eyebrow hair transplant, moustache hair transplant, and beard hair transplant
- The hair transplant procedure via the FUE technique is performed when there is not enough donor supply in the safe donor part of the scalp
- The FUE technique is allowed to restore hair in order to boost the number of grafts in the case of the combined method of hair transplant.
Why Medispa?
The Medispa hair transplant centre is known as a renowned hair restoration centre in India has its location in Delhi & Jaipur. The centre is headed by Dr Suneet Soni, a topmost surgeon in India has worldwide recognition and exposure. He continuously gives a contribution towards the advancement and innovation in the field by adopting the advanced method, innovative technology as well as introducing the bio-stimulated method for the hair transplant surgery.
On the whole, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant requires the analysis and research prior to receiving the surgery as it is mandatory to choose only selected option that can confirm you about the best aesthetic results.